Thursday, 12 January 2012

This new keyboard is loads better than the previous one!! The last one was too hard to hit and dirty. This one is easy to hit and clean and shiny! I like shiny things. The way the letters are getting typed is fantastic. It’s like watching magic. The way the full stop is getting typed is also awesome! See I’m typing rubbish yet, it’s soooo nice. I love this keyboard. I hope bro leaves this here and goes to Mysore. By the way, bro studies in Mysore. It’s his third year and he has come home for sem end holidays. I just loooove this keyboard!! Truly!!! It’s sooooooo nice. Wat to type now. See my fingers are typing SMS language! Ridiculous! By the way, I can type on keyboard faster than on mobile. The reason is- my mobile is a touch mobile- and I don’t know how to type on mobile and I’ve got better practice with keyboard. That’s why I like to type. That’s why I like to blog. Becoz I like typing(weird eh?). See, SMS language again!! K whatever. Don’t care much. Oh my god, this MS Word automatically corrects watever to whatever!!  I guess it faced many people typing whatever for whatever. U see, it’s automatically corrected. That’s what I mean, I typed whatever once and whatever the other time and both are whatever not whatever!! Think im crazy?? Well, type, u’ll know for urself.  Ok now coming to the topic of this blogpost (I’ve reached the topic pretty soon na..), I have a doubt in English. This is a sort of doubt that only aimless, workless, chatting addicted people get. But I assure u, im not a chatting addict. I just think everything in a wrong way… ok enough of rubbish. I’ll hit the target.

Why the hell do we have to write ‘you’ when ‘u’ and ‘you’ sound the same?? I’ll list out more such doubts, k…
You are=u r.
Your= ur.
Tell me=temme.
What’s up=wassup,sup.
Hmm, the list is unending and it expands as it goes to different people and different areas, ryt? Well, back to the question I asked, why do we have to write full letters for the words when we have words that sound the same? Now, I don’t want any linguistic or perfectionist argument, so linguists and perfectionists strictly prohibited over here!! Give me a … sensible argument, that directly keeps in mind the basic need of a language- effective communication. Any arguments please? I think no one even cares to think about such petty things… ryt…y do we have to care anyway? Well, as a representative of chatting language union ( theres no such union…) I hereby say that there is on need to type full sentences when simpler words communicate perfectly wat u want to. This statement also includes that it does not include ikr=I know right… and such acronyms which are common to only a certain group or community of chatters (phew, what a complicated sentence!).

Guess this is my most nonsensical blog post ever!!

That’s it then, end of rant.

P.S. On behalf of publishing this blog post, I’ve taken an oath to always use simpler words whenever it is readable and correct.

Gud afternoon…;)

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